There are 25,007,505 businesses in the United States today and 40% of business owners expect to list their business within the next three years. Take a look at these alarming statistics:

Business Category Revenue & Employees Number of Businesses for sale Number that sell Percentage of Sale
Small Businesses Revenue $750,000 or less 10 employees or less 880,000 160,000 (18%) 1 out of 5.5
Larger Businesses Revenue $750,000 to $3 Million 100 employees or less 172,000 43000 (25%) 1 out of 4
Medium Companies Revenue $2 Million to $30 Million 20 to 100 employees 73,000 49,000 (28%) 1 out of 3.5
Larger Companies Revenue $30 Million Over 100 employees 8,000 2,500 (33%) 1out of 3

Source: Business Brokerage Press Complete Guide to Business Brokerage 2002

Common Reasons Businesses Don’t Sell?

  • Sellers often don’t have the information buyer’s need in order to make an informed decision
  • Sellers don’t have current and accurate financial information
  • Sellers are not realistic in setting the price and terms

Approximately 90% of those who buy businesses end up with something different from the business that they first inquired about. The buyer seldom buys what the seller is selling.

Using a Professional Business Broker is valuable and your chances for closing a sale will increase significantly when you use a Business Broker.

When using a business broker sellers are more prepared to sell and buyers are more ready to buy.